MatchPoint Times


Harsh weather patterns will pressure food production, says minister

Cover Image for Harsh weather patterns will pressure food production, says minister

Mohamad Sabu calls for collaboration on agriculture among Asean nations to address potential food shortages.

PHNOM PENH: Climate change poses a growing threat to Malaysia’s food security, with erratic weather patterns and rising temperatures disrupting global agriculture.

As domestic food production faces increasing risks, agriculture and food security minister Mohamad Sabu cautioned that Malaysia and the region remain vulnerable to climate change threats, emphasising the need for regional collaboration to address potential food shortages.

“We have enough stock of rice for at least six months. But we don’t know what will happen because of climate change, so food security is important.

Tags:agricultureCambodiaclimate changefisheriesfood securityfragrant riceMalaysiaMohamad Saburice

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