MatchPoint Times


Hundreds killed in Syrian crackdown on Alawite region, war monitor says

Cover Image for Hundreds killed in Syrian crackdown on Alawite region, war monitor says

Rami Abdulrahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the widespread killings in the Alawite heartland amounted to the worst violence for years.

COVENTRY: Gunmen and security forces linked to Syria’s new Islamist rulers have killed more than 340 people, including women and children from the Alawite minority, in the country’s coastal region since Thursday, the head of a war monitor said.

Reuters could not independently verify the reports.

Rami Abdulrahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the widespread killings in Jableh, Baniyas and surrounding areas in Syria’s Alawite heartland amounted to the worst violence for years in the 13-year-old civil conflict.

Tags:Alawite minoritygunmenmore than 340 people killedsecurity forcesSyria's new Islamist rulersSyrian Observatory for Human Rights

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Kesatuan Jururawat Malaya berkata ia termasuk elaun wilayah RM1,000 sebulan yang tidak pernah disemak semula sejak sekian lama.

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