MatchPoint Times


Pakistan’s old English manners spell youth Scrabble success

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Pakistan’s youngsters reign supreme in Scrabble – boasting the current youth world champion and more past victors since 2006.

KARACHI: “Dram”, meaning a measure of whisky. “Turm”, describing a cavalry unit. “Taupie”, a foolish youngster.

Not words in a typical teen’s vocabulary, but all come easily to Pakistani prodigy Bilal Asher, world under-14 Scrabble champion.

Despite a musty reputation, the word-spelling game has a cult youth following in Pakistan, a legacy of the English language imposed by Britain’s empire but which the country has adapted into its own dialect since independence.

Tags:BritaincolonialismEducationEnglishIntellectKarachilanguagePakistanPakistan Scrabble AssociationScrabble

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