MatchPoint Times


Two arrested over gang-rape of Israeli tourist and local woman in India

Cover Image for Two arrested over gang-rape of Israeli tourist and local woman in India

The group was attacked by individuals on a motorbike after refusing to give them money, according to local media reports.

NEW DELHI: Two suspects have been arrested in connection with the gang-rape of two women, including an Israeli tourist, and the death of a man near a Unesco World Heritage site in India, police said on Sunday.

A group of two women and three men were attacked late on Thursday near the Group of Monuments at Hampi, an ancient village in the south Indian state of Karnataka.

The case highlights the chronic issue of violence against women in the world’s most populous country, where an average of nearly 90 rapes a day were reported in 2022.

Tags:death of a mangang-rapeGroup of MonumentsHampiIndiaKarnatakaTwo suspects arrestedtwo womenUnesco World Heritage Site

Japan auctions emergency rice reserves as prices soar

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